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The secret of perfect house lighting
The secret of perfect house lighting
The secret of perfect house lighting

 When functional room allocation, there must be sufficient lighting in each zone. For example, a room is divided into a workplace and a rest area. The use of one ceiling chandelier and a table lamp will be a mistake in this case, because in case of insufficient lighting you will quickly get tired and the room will turn from a cozy studio into an annoying shack.

We will therefore provide several lighting scenarios. We choose the usual activities that we perform on a daily basis and direct the light sources there. For example, where we do makeup, there should be good lighting and it should not shine from behind. In the evening, the light above the sofa or bed should be soft so that tired eyes can rest and also that the lighting does not interfere with watching a favorite movie in the family circle.

Lighting lamp temperature. We choose warm tones for the bedroom and living room, we never use cold light near the mirrors, because it gives the room sterility, especially when its main color is white.

Expect enough light in advance. If you are renovating or have bought a property, first think carefully about how and where each luminaire will be located and what its main functions are. Sometimes even the most expensive and beautiful furniture looks very sad if the light is misplaced.

Respect yourself and your loved ones and entrust the lighting to a reliable luminaire manufacturer Light for home s.r.o.. On our website you will find not only a huge selection of ceiling lamps, chandeliers, candlesticks and floor lamps, but also a large selection of luxury lamps and design collections.